"Sit up, join up, stir it up, get online, get in touch, find out who's raising hell and join them.
No use waiting on a bunch of wussy politicians."

Time to go long 1/17/06

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Asking Your Representative to Work with Congressman Gene Taylor

Read the parts that are italicized filling in the blanks with your own name and the name of your congressional representative as indicated. Have fun!

Hi! My name is ___________________, and I am a registered voter in the district. I’d like to speak with someone about the Katrina recovery efforts.

[NOTE: The staffer will tell you that he/she can help or transfer you to another staffer who is responsible for that subject matter. Whichever is the case, read the following--or put the script in words that are more natural for you.]

I am appalled at how slow things are going down in New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

I would like Congressman/Congresswoman ________ to work closely with Mississippi Gulf Coast Congressman Gene Taylor to get things going.

Congressman Taylor knows what needs to be done. So just ask him. In fact, here’s his office number so your offices can work together to make things happen quicker. 202 225-5772.

I think this is the decent thing to do.



Three pointers for effectively communicating with the offices of elected officials.

1. Always be polite. The adage of getting more with honey than with vinegar is accurate.

2. The staffer may ask for your name, address, zip code. Provide it.

3. Smile while talking. They can hear it on the other side of the line. ;)

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