"Sit up, join up, stir it up, get online, get in touch, find out who's raising hell and join them.
No use waiting on a bunch of wussy politicians."

Time to go long 1/17/06

Monday, July 23, 2007

Phone Script for FEMA Director to Remove False Website Information

FEMA Director David Paulison's office number is 202-646-3900.

Below is a phone script which is italicized. As always, edit as you see fit or use as is. It's up to you.

Smile! Enjoy! Political hell raising can be fun AND effective!!!

Hi! My name is ____________, and I’m a registered voter who lives in (city, state). I’m calling because I want the agency’s website to reflect reality and not fantasy regarding the health hazard that the formaldehyde-filled FEMA trailers that Katrina’s families are living in.

Airing out the trailers is ineffective. Smoking does not cause formaldehyde levels to jump to 75 times the healthy amounts.

I pay taxes and expect my government to provide accurate, scientifically-based information.

When can I expect to see the website reflect scientific reality?

[Listen politely to the answer. More likely than not, the FEMA staff member
answering the call will have NO idea what the answer is to our question. That’s
fine. Ask it anyway.

Remember to be polite to those answering the
phones. They are just trying to make a living.]
Thank you for listening!

If asked, provide your name, phone number, and address.
The end.

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